Cancellation right
You can cancel your contractual declaration within two weeks without any reasons. It has to be a written version (a letter, a Fax, an E-Mail) or if you receive your order before the lapse of time, you can cancel your contractual declaration by returning your order. The lapse of time starts after receiving this admonition in a written version (in case of multiple order, after the first order), but not before receiving the order and before the fulfillment of the vendor’s duty of information according §312c sub paragraph 2 BGB, §1 subparagraph 1,2 and 4 BGB, §312e subparagraph 1 BGB and §3 BGB. To keep the cancellation right, a return of the order or a written cancellation in time is needed. The cancellation has to be sent to:

Vecnum GmbH
Am-Angele-Hof 33
88316 Isny im Allgäu



Return form

The exclusion of the cancellation right
The cancellation right does not exist in distance contracts: For deliveries with special modifications and customizations for the customer, deliveries which can’t be shipped twice or perishable food.

Consequences of Cancellation
In case of a legal cancellation, the received goods and any taken advantage (for example; interest) has to be returned. If a return explained above is not possible or in inferior quality, the customer has to provide a compensation. To prevent yourself from the duty of replacement, it is recommended to use the items properly and treat them like your own property. Items which can be shipped will be shipped on the vendor’s risk. The customer has to take the cost for return. Items which cannot be shipped will be picked up. Commitments regarding the refund have to be fulfilled within 30 days. The lapse of time starts with the sending of the cancellation or the received return of the goods at the vendor.